
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /robots.txt
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
9 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
10 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
11 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
14 liste_archive /liste_archive Path does not match
15 app_archives_archive_liste_fichiers_archive /liste_fichiers_archivees Path does not match
16 app_archives_archive_filtermonths /archive Path does not match
17 app_archives_archive_downloadarchive /downloadArchive/{id} Path does not match
18 caisseFilter /caisseFilter Path does not match
19 caisseNew /caisse Path does not match
20 alimonterCaisse /alimonterCaisse Path does not match
21 ArchiveCaisse /ArchiveCaisse Path does not match
22 addCharge /addCharge Path does not match
23 listCharges /listCharges Path does not match
24 getFactures /getFactures Path does not match
25 attributesCharge /attributesCharge Path does not match
26 deleteAttributeCharge /deleteAttributeCharge/{id}/ Path does not match
27 deleteCharge /deleteCharge/{id}/ Path does not match
28 listChargesNew /listChargesNew Path does not match
29 app_charges_charge_listchargefilter /listChargeFilter Path does not match
30 app_charges_charge_achivecharge /AchiveCharge Path does not match
31 listFacturesFournisseur /listFacturesFournisseur Path does not match
32 listeFacFornisseursArchivees /listeFacFornisseursArchivees Path does not match
33 addFactureFournisseur /addFactureFournisseur Path does not match
34 updateFactureFournisseur /updateFactureFournisseur Path does not match
35 changeEtatFactureFournisseur /changeEtatFactureFournisseur/{id}/ Path does not match
36 deleteFactureFournisseur /deleteFactureFournisseur/{id}/ Path does not match
37 archiverFactureFournisseur /archiverFactureFournisseur/{id}/ Path does not match
38 configFactureFournisseur /configFactureFournisseur Path does not match
39 app_charges_facturefournisseur_filtermonths /filter_facture Path does not match
40 app_charges_facturefournisseur_fichierfactvalide /FichierFactValide Path does not match
41 addBureau /addBureau Path does not match
42 listBureaux /listBureaux Path does not match
43 updateBureau /updateBureau Path does not match
44 deleteBureau /deleteBureau/{id}/ Path does not match
45 changeEtatBureau /changeEtatBureau/{id}/ Path does not match
46 getUsersBureau /getUsersBureau/{id}/ Path does not match
47 getUsersBureau2 /getUsersBureau2/{id}/ Path does not match
48 addClient /addClient Path does not match
49 listClients /listClients Path does not match
50 updateClient /updateClient Path does not match
51 deleteClient /deleteClient/{id}/ Path does not match
52 addDevis /addDevis Path does not match
53 listDevis /listDevis Path does not match
54 listeDevisArchivees /listeDevisArchivees Path does not match
55 updateDevis /updateDevis Path does not match
56 deleteDevis /deleteDevis/{id}/ Path does not match
57 addBordereau /addBordereau Path does not match
58 addModelBordereau /addModelBordereau Path does not match
59 addModalB /addModalB Path does not match
60 getModalInfos /getModalInfos Path does not match
61 listBordereaux /listBordereaux Path does not match
62 listeBordereauxArchivees /listeBorderauxArchivees Path does not match
63 updateBordereau /updateBordereau Path does not match
64 deleteBordereau /deleteBordereau/{id}/ Path does not match
65 deleteModal /deleteModal/{id}/ Path does not match
66 valideDevis /valideDevis/{id}/ Path does not match
67 valideBordereau /valideBordereau/{id}/ Path does not match
68 archiverDevis /archiverDevis/{id}/ Path does not match
69 archiverBord /archiverBord/{id}/ Path does not match
70 pdfDevis /pdfDevis/{id}/ Path does not match
71 pdfBordereau /pdfBordereau/{id}/ Path does not match
72 ajaxUpdateDevis /ajaxUpdateDevis Path does not match
73 ajaxAddDevis /ajaxAddDevis Path does not match
74 ajaxAddBord /ajaxAddBord Path does not match
75 ajaxUpdateBord /ajaxUpdateBord Path does not match
76 addAttachement /addAttachement Path does not match
77 getArticlesByMarche /getArticlesByMarche Path does not match
78 getAttacArticleByAttach /getAttacArticleByAttach Path does not match
79 app_marches_facture_checktotalartcile /checkTotalArtcile Path does not match
80 getDetailsAttachement /getDetailsAttachement Path does not match
81 updateAttachement /updateAttachement Path does not match
82 pdfAttachment /pdfAttachment/{id}/{idMarche} Path does not match
83 deleteAttachement /deleteAttachement/{id}/ Path does not match
84 genereteDecompte /genereteDecompte Path does not match
85 getDetailsFacture /getDetailsFacture Path does not match
86 deleteFacture /deleteFacture/{id}/ Path does not match
87 listFactures /listFactures Path does not match
88 viewFacture /viewFacture Path does not match
89 removeFromFacture /removeFromFacture/{id}/ Path does not match
90 valideFacture /valideFacture/{id}/ Path does not match
91 deposeFacture /deposeFacture Path does not match
92 payerFacture /payerFacture Path does not match
93 confirmDeletePaiement /confirmDeletePaiement/{id}/ Path does not match
94 pdfFacture /pdfFacture/{id}/ Path does not match
95 ajaxAddAttechement /ajaxAddAttechement Path does not match
96 listFactursArchivees /listFacturesArchivees Path does not match
97 ajaxUpdateAttachement /ajaxUpdateAttachement Path does not match
98 archiverFacture /archiverFacture/{id}/ Path does not match
99 listMarches /listMarches Path does not match
100 configMarche /configMarche Path does not match
101 deleteMarche /deleteMarche/{id}/ Path does not match
102 valideMarche /valideMarche/{id}/ Path does not match
103 FinaliserMarche /FinaliserMarche/{id}/ Path does not match
104 ArchiverMarche /ArchiverMarche/{id}/ Path does not match
105 viewMarche /showMarche Path does not match
106 createModelMarche /createModelMarche Path does not match
107 deleteModel /deleteModel Path does not match
108 getModal /getModal Path does not match
109 updateModelMarche /updateModelMarche Path does not match
110 getUserMarche /getUserMarche/{id}/ Path does not match
111 difficultTech /difficultTech Path does not match
112 getDifficult /getDifficult/{id}/ Path does not match
113 deleteDiff /deleteDiff/{id}/ Path does not match
114 importationFichier /importationFichier Path does not match
115 getColumn /getColumn/ Path does not match
116 importFile /importFile/ Path does not match
117 listFichiers /listFichiers Path does not match
118 deleteFichier /deleteFichier/{id}/ Path does not match
119 exporterFichier /exporterFichier/{id}/ Path does not match
120 app_marches_mission_exporterimage /exporterImage/{id} Path does not match
121 addMission /addMission Path does not match
122 addMissionByCarte /addMissionByCarte Path does not match
123 ajaxAddMissions /ajaxAddMissions Path does not match
124 getFichierDetails /getFichierDetails/{id}/ Path does not match
125 getFichierDetailsForCarte /getFichierDetailsForCarte/{id}/ Path does not match
126 listMissions /listMissions Path does not match
127 updateMission /updateMission Path does not match
128 updateMissionByCarte /updateMissionByCarte Path does not match
129 liste_missions_terminee /liste_missions_terminee Path does not match
130 deleteMission /deleteMission/{id}/ Path does not match
131 getMissionsByFile /getMissionsByFile/{id}/ Path does not match
132 getArticle /getArticle/{id}/ Path does not match
133 confirmerMission /confirmerMission/{id}/ Path does not match
134 reafecterMission /reafecterMission Path does not match
135 getImageDetails /getImageDetails/{id}/ Path does not match
136 showMission /showMission Path does not match
137 saisieMission /saisieMission Path does not match
138 deleteDetailMission /deleteDetailMission/{id}/ Path does not match
139 getFormDetaile /getFormDetaile/{id}/ Path does not match
140 updateDetail /updateDetail Path does not match
141 finaliserDetailMission /finaliserDetailMission/{id}/ Path does not match
142 finaliserMission /finaliserMission/{id}/ Path does not match
143 getModalArticle /getModalArticle Path does not match
144 CreateNewFichier /CreateNewFichier Path does not match
145 dashboard /dashboard Path does not match
146 statistiques /statistiques Path does not match
147 listBonsCommande /listBonsCommande Path does not match
148 listBonsCommandeArchivees /listBonsCommandeArchivees Path does not match
149 addBonCommande /addBonCommande Path does not match
150 getDetailsBonCommande /getDetailsBonCommande/{id}/ Path does not match
151 updateBonCommande /updateBonCommande Path does not match
152 deleteBonCommande /deleteBonCommande/{id}/ Path does not match
153 changeEtatBonCommande /changeEtatBonCommande/{id}/ Path does not match
154 archiverBonCommande /archiverBonCommande/{id}/ Path does not match
155 receptionBonCommande /receptionBonCommande Path does not match
156 showBonCommande /showBonCommande Path does not match
157 pdfBonCommande /pdfBonCommande/{id}/ Path does not match
158 getBonsLivraison /getBonsLivraison/{id}/ Path does not match
159 ajaxAddBonCommande /ajaxAddBonCommande Path does not match
160 ajaxUpdateBonCommande /ajaxUpdateBonCommande Path does not match
161 addFournisseur /addFournisseur Path does not match
162 listFournisseurs /listFournisseurs Path does not match
163 updateFournisseur /updateFournisseur Path does not match
164 deleteFournisseur /deleteFournisseur/{id}/ Path does not match
165 statistiqueFournisseur /statistiqueFournisseur/{id}/ Path does not match
166 addPiece /addPiece Path does not match
167 listPieces /listPieces Path does not match
168 updatePiece /updatePiece Path does not match
169 deletePiece /deletePiece/{id}/ Path does not match
170 augmenterPiece /augmenterPiece/ Path does not match
171 typesPieces /typesPieces Path does not match
172 deleteTypePiece /deleteTypePiece/{id}/ Path does not match
173 stock /stock Path does not match
174 stock_transfer /listeStockTransfer Path does not match
175 stock_reception /listeStockReception Path does not match
176 stockAgent /stockAgent Path does not match
177 getMissionsAgent /getMissionsAgent Path does not match
178 getMissionStock /getMissionStock Path does not match
179 historiquePiece /historiquePiece Path does not match
180 taches /taches Path does not match
181 changerEtatTache /changerEtatTache/{id}/ Path does not match
182 addTache /addTache Path does not match
183 app_tache_tache_downloadpiecej /downloadPieceJ/{id}/{type} Path does not match
184 deleteTache /deleteTache/{id}/ Path does not match
185 detelePJ /deletePJ Path does not match
186 getTache /getTache/{id}/ Path does not match
187 updateTache /updateTache Path does not match
188 addProfil /addProfil Path does not match
189 listProfils /listProfils Path does not match
190 updateProfil /updateProfil Path does not match
191 deleteProfil /deleteProfil/{id}/ Path does not match
192 getRolesChecked /getRolesChecked/ Path does not match
193 addUtilisateur /addUtilisateur Path does not match
194 listUtilisateurs /listUtilisateurs Path does not match
195 updateUtilisateur /updateUtilisateur Path does not match
196 deleteUtilisateur /deleteUtilisateur/{id}/ Path does not match
197 app_utilisateurs_utilisateur_login / Path does not match
198 login /login Path does not match
199 logout /logout Path does not match
200 chnagerMotDePasse /chnagerMotDePasse/ Path does not match
201 chnagerBureau /chnagerBureau/ Path does not match
202 redirectToNotif /redirectToNotif/ Path does not match
203 isShowNotif /isShowNotif/ Path does not match
204 app_utilisateurs_utilisateur_logsutilisateurs /logsUtilisateurs Path does not match
205 infoUtilisateur /infoUtilisateur Path does not match
206 pointage /pointage Path does not match
207 workPointageBackOffice /workPointageBackOffice Path does not match
208 deletePointage /deletePointage/{id} Path does not match
209 webServiceLogin /webService/login Path does not match
210 webServicGetData /webService/getData Path does not match
211 getMissions /webService/getMissions Path does not match
212 getDetailsMissions /webService/getDetailsMissions Path does not match
213 getFormDetail /webService/getFormDetail Path does not match
214 sendFormData /webService/sendFormData Path does not match
215 sendFormDataDeff /webService/sendFormDataDeff Path does not match
216 getTachesWs /webService/getTaches Path does not match
217 getOneTache /webService/getTache/{id} Path does not match
218 setEtatTache /webService/setEtatTache Path does not match
219 sendDepense /webService/sendDepense Path does not match
220 getDepenses /webService/getDepenses Path does not match
221 getNotifications /webService/getNotifications Path does not match
222 setNotifLu /webService/setNotifLu Path does not match
223 removeDepense /webService/removeDepense Path does not match
224 addPieceTache /webService/addPieceTache Path does not match
225 getTachePiece /webService/getTachePiece Path does not match
226 removePiece /webService/removePiece Path does not match
227 syncData /webService/syncData Path does not match
228 getAllNotifications /webService/getAllNotifications Path does not match
229 webServiceAddTache /webService/addTache Path does not match
230 webServiceUpdateTache /webService/updateTache Path does not match
231 taskMail /webService/taskMail Path does not match
232 addPointage /webService/addPointage Path does not match
233 listeWorkPointage /webService/listeWorkPointage Path does not match
234 detailsPointageByDay /webService/detailsPointageByDay Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.